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Who Is WisePreach?

Apostle WisePreach is the epitome of pursuit, a purpose driven individual, an entity constructed by the sovereign God.

Apostle WisePreach was born in Kenya on August 3rd as a twin into a grounded, apostolic family unit. He is the offspring of Reverend Steve Kamau of New Life Worship Ministries. As a pastors kid, he grew up in the church with a dynamic, revelatory gift to perceive the world from a higher dimension. His perception would be the inception to his encounter with God. Apostle WisePreach had his first encounter with the healing power of Jesus Christ at the tender age of 8 when he fell from a double bunk in Kenya. The man of God plunged from high altitude and was supernaturally rotated in his sleep thus preventing damage to his head. Though the pain was excruciating, the next morning he enforced his faith by commanding healing to flow that manifested immediately after he said Amen.

Apostle WisePreach is a John The Baptist in our generation commission by God as a Prophet to preach holiness in preparation for the coming of YESHUA. The man of God understood the distinction in his DNA, personality and caliber at a young age. A dreamer with an influential, writing and speaking ability. He carries the Grace & Anointing to articulate the mysteries of the Kingdom of God as revealed by Yahweh.

His wisdom at a young age was evidence of the call of God upon his life that subsequently matured to eloquent, didactic, revelatory teachings. His ministry began through music and spoken word, the ministry of encouragement to the doctrine of repentance. WisePreach shortly became a Jonah on the run from God from the age of 18 to 24 when he experienced demonic warfare that almost deprived him of life in 2012 – 2013.

He went through warfare for 9 months unable to eat and drink for that prolonged duration. He visited hospitals and even psychiatrists wherein the results returned normal with no health complications; but he still could not eat or swallow. This tribulation was subjected to the mind, the premises of supernatural revelation. Apostle WisePreach wanted to die because he was hungry and wanted to indulge but was prevented by demonic principalities. The entrance to a supernatural visitation manifested in 2013 in his room when God visited and delivered him from the torment of the enemy and was restored. The visitation was so powerful that a light bulb that wasn’t working came on supernaturally.

Apostle WisePreach subsequently started walking in the supernatural, experiencing the Power and the Presence of Holy Spirit. Accuracy in prophetic utterance and dreams that God manifested each time in his “Supernatural Lifestyle”. These encounters led to a supernatural experience where Apostle WisePreach was taken to Hell in real-time not in a vision or dream. The experience would catapult him into a greater dimension in God, revealing a Holy Fear that was birthed on the inside of him. He soon began to walk in massive deliverance in his services through his movement “Be Like Jesus Movement”. The Ministry also operates in great signs and wonders, healing as many across the world have testified of healing and even deliverance from drugs.

Apostle WisePreach is a man after God’s own heart! A man who genuinely loves the Lord with his heart, soul, mind and entire being. Apostle WisePreach is a man on fire for Jehovah! Revealing the Kingdom and the supernatural in these last days. He is a Prophetic/Apostolic voice crying out in the wilderness, “Prepare Ye the Way for the Coming of the Lord”. A Worshiper with a broken/contrite heart after the heart of Christ. We Give God All The Glory! Are you ready to experience Power and Glory in your Church? Invite Apostle WisePreach now! For If God Is for Us, Who Can Be Against Us? And of the angels he saith, who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire. Hebrews 1:7